Understanding Aligners: How They Work and Their Advantages


How Are Aligners Made?  

  • Digital models created from tooth imprints are used to make clear aligners. Your orthodontic treatment is planned and mapped out using 3D computer imaging technology. The patient wears transparent aligners for a predetermined time or until the desired movement is accomplished. Depending on the intended course of treatment, the patient must move on to the next set of aligners every two to three weeks. A sequence of personalized clear aligners gradually pushes your teeth into their proper positions.  

Advantages of Aligners  

  • Aligners cause less irritation to tissues like the cheeks and gums. They are very comfortable for the wearer.
  • They are easy to clean as they are removable.
  • You can have all your favorite foods and drinks. There are no dietary restrictions because clear aligners can be taken out while eating.  
  • No possibility of tooth yellowing or staining.
  • Treatment results are accurate and faster because the entire process is digitalized.  
Aspect Braces Aligners
Looks Easy to notice, can be metal or clear ceramic Hard to notice, clear plastic
Time Often takes longer to work Treatment is faster
Adjustments Needs regular check-ups No need for adjustments
Comfort Can feel uncomfortable Usually more comfortable, less irritation
Eating Hard and sticky foods are off-limits No food restrictions
Talking May affect speech at first Usually doesn’t affect speech
Cost Price varies Often pricier than braces
Keeping Clean Teeth cleaning is difficult Easier to keep teeth clean


Getting Aligners: Step by Step 

  1. Scan: First, the orthodontist scans your gums, teeth, and jaws with a special scanner. This helps decide if aligners are correct for you. Digital impressions are made to plan your treatment. 
  2. Planning: Orthodontists and cosmetic dentists work together to plan your treatment. They decide how many aligners you’ll need, how long treatment will take, and how your jaw will move to get the smile you want. 
  3. Simulation/Virtual Presentation: Using advanced technology, you can see how your smile will look after treatment. Detailed photos of your teeth, gums, jaw, and lips help predict the outcome. You can even request changes according to your needs. 
  4. 3D Printing & Fabrication: Your aligners are designed using 3D printers and made in a dental lab. Certified professionals trim and finish them to fit perfectly. 
  5. Insertion of Aligners by Orthodontist: Your orthodontist will call you to the clinic once your aligners are ready. This is to ensure your aligners fit well. They’ll show you how to wear them and switch them out for each pair. 
  6. Follow-Up and Refinement if Needed: After getting your aligners, you’ll have regular check-ups. After treatment, you might need retainers to make sure your perfect smile stays for long. 

Different Types of Malocclusions Corrected with Transparent Aligners 

Malocclusion means your teeth don’t fit together correctly when you close your mouth. Here are the main types: 

  • Overbite: When your upper front teeth overlap too much with your lower front teeth. Transparent aligners can gradually shift your teeth to reduce this overlap. 
  • Underbite: When your lower front teeth are ahead of your upper front teeth. Aligners can help resolve this.
  • Crossbite: If some of your upper teeth sit behind your lower teeth when you close your mouth, it’s called a crossbite. Aligners can move your teeth into the correct position to fix this. 
  • Open Bite: When there’s a space between your upper and lower teeth, even when your mouth is closed, it’s called an open bite. Aligners can gradually close this gap by moving your teeth. 
  • Crowding happens when there isn’t enough space in your mouth for all your teeth, so they overlap or twist. Aligners can gently push your teeth into the correct positions, making more room in your mouth. 
  • Spacing: When there are a lot of spaces or gaps present between teeth. Aligners can bring all teeth together and close these gaps.

Average cost of aligners in India: 

The complexity of the therapy and the provider are some of the aspects that affect the average cost of transparent aligners in India. A complete treatment typically costs between ₹50,000 and ₹2,00,000. This cost usually covers the follow-up appointments, treatment planning, the aligners themselves, and the initial consultation. It’s crucial to remember that costs can vary significantly throughout clinics and cities. To help patients afford their treatment, several clinics additionally provide financing options or payment plans. All things considered, clear aligners provide a discrete and easy method of teeth straightening, and their prices may be adjusted to accommodate a range of budgets. 


Transparent aligners are a modern solution to straighten teeth. This blog explains how they’re used and the benefits they offer. The process involves creating digital models from tooth imprints and planning treatment using 3-D computer imaging technology. Patients wear these clear aligners for a specific time until their teeth move to the desired positions. The blog also highlights the advantages of transparent aligners, such as comfort, ease of cleaning, and no dietary restrictions. Additionally, it outlines the step-by-step process of getting aligners. It discusses the different types of malocclusions they can correct, making it easier to understand how they can improve your smile.

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